Cornish Lib Dems forced to apologise over offensive leaflet

Lib Dems in Cornwall were forced to make a formal apology after using a highly offensive obscene term to describe an opposition councillor ahead of last year's county council and Euro elections.

According to Plymouth newspaper
The Herald, a campaign leaflet supporting Lib Dem Cornwall Council candidate Anna Pascoe distributed to houses in the Camborne South division called a rival council candidate a "greasy-haired t***".

The offensive remarks came to light when the local Lib Dem office received complaints from Camborne residents.

The target of the abuse, Camborne Town Council member Stuart Cullimore, said he was "absolutely appalled" at being the subject of foul-mouthed abuse in an official Lib-Dem leaflet.

Commenting to The Herald, he said: "It's just unpleasant and nasty. It has been extremely upsetting for me and my family. I don't know who is responsible for this but the Lib-Dems have a responsibility to find out and make it public".

The local Lib Dem agent officially responsible for the party's leaflets was unable to offer an explanation for the obscenity and was forced to apologise formally to Cllr Cullimore.

1 comment:

  1. Their low-life behaviour is intended to cover up collective ineptitude in public administration. Have a look at this.
